updated: 2024-04-04 18:40:18


This is a PreDB database.
A PreDB is an online database that contains informatiion about warez scene releases.
This site is a music PreDB, restricted to several music genres - Techno, Trance, House, Hardstyle and Hardcore.

What is a purpose of this site?

This site contains information about scene music releases.

How to download all these releases?

You can't download music here. Copy release name and google/duckduckgo it.

What kind of releases I can find here?

This site contains only Techno, Trance, House, Hardstyle and Hardcore releases.

How to use search here?

The search is not implemented yet. You can filter releases displayed on the page.

How to contact administration?

Send us an email to predb11[at]outlook.com